Supply Chain Management

Why Texbase?

Supply Chain Management for Brands

Texbase offers brands essential tools for effective supply chain management. Our Supply Chain Mapping tool provides clear visibility across supply tiers, vital for regulatory compliance. Texbase Connect simplifies supplier onboarding, enhancing communication from development to production. The document broadcast tool streamlines updates and compliance management, while our survey functionality offers an integrated approach to gather and manage supplier data efficiently.


Strategic Supply Chain Mapping for Brands

 Our Supply Chain Mapping tool empowers product development teams to effectively navigate the shifting landscape of supply chain relationships and regulatory requirements. Gain comprehensive visibility across every tier of your supply chain, defined across various dimensions like companies, fabrics, and products.

Efficient Supplier Onboarding

Streamline your supplier onboarding process with Texbase Connect. This platform secures and simplifies development and production communication, creating a system of record accessible to your teams. Track communications efficiently from concept to commercialization, enhancing collaboration and transparency.


Document Broadcast and Compliance

Distribute product standards and crucial documents seamlessly via Texbase’s broadcasting tool. This eliminates the hassle of tracking emails and PDFs, ensuring efficient updates on changes, training documents, and compliance notifications. With trackable broadcasts and e-signature options, managing legal agreements and compliance documents becomes effortless.



Engaging Suppliers with Surveys

Collect vital information from your supply chain effortlessly with customizable surveys. Texbase Surveys store responses directly in the company’s record history, providing an integrated and efficient way to gather and manage supplier data.

Why Texbase?

Supply Chain Management for Suppliers

Texbase Connect revolutionizes supplier onboarding with brands, offering a streamlined, secure platform for managing all development to production communications.


Streamlined Onboarding with Brands

With Texbase Connect, onboarding with brands becomes a straightforward process. This platform offers a secure and efficient way to manage all communications, from development to production, ensuring you stay aligned with your clients’ needs and timelines.


Simplified Document Management

Receive and manage crucial documents from brands without the clutter of emails and attachments. Our Document Broadcast tool allows for streamlined distribution and tracking of standards, training materials, and compliance documents, ensuring you’re always up-to-date with the latest requirements.



Enhanced Communication with Surveys

Respond to brand surveys quickly and efficiently. Texbase Surveys integrate your responses directly into your company’s record, making it easier to manage and reference communication from brands.

Supply Chain Integration

Suppliers can leverage our Supply Chain Mapping tool to maintain clear visibility and alignment with client expectations. 

Supply Chain Management Datasheet

Access valuable information, practical features, and transformative solutions. 

Hear from Our Customer: NEMO Equipment

Hear from Our Customer: NEMO Equipment

Rick Vance at NEMO Equipment shares his insights on the tools he uses for compliance management in his day-to-day role.

Document Connect has allowed us to get away from emailing documents into the void and asking for read-receipts, now we are able to send documents to our entire supplier mailing list at the click of a button.
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