Integrated Supply Chain Data Management & Collaboration

Texbase Connect

Simplify the Collection of Material Data

Material Connect

Material Connect completely eliminates the tedious and error-prone, back-and-forth process of using template files and email to collect material data. Customers define the required data fields that vendors must complete prior to submitting new or updated materials.  Security is ensured as customers must approve the receipt of all data before it’s accepted.

Material Connect reduces the cost of capturing material information, increases the completeness and accuracy of data received while accelerating the speed with which materials are identified, developed and commercialized. It’s the easiest way to keep the data in your material libraries up to date and accurate.

Clearly Communicate Testing Requirements

Spec Connect

Spec Connect allows supply chain partners to draft, collaborate, and E-Sign testing requirements digitally and efficiently. Test methods are clearly defined with Standard Operating Procedures, target values and minimum/maximum acceptable ranges. Whether you’re testing for performance, chemicals or regulatory requirements, Spec Connect keeps your entire supply chain on the same page, including independent testing labs.

Managing testing requirements with Spec Connect enhances communication across your entire supply chain and forms the foundation of your quality management system through its integration with Texbase Testing.

Capture Lab Test Data At Its Source

Lab Connect

Lab Connect extends the power of Texbase Testing to your entire supply chain by creating an integrated web of lab-testing data sources that collects test results and related documentation in real-time.

Approved supplier labs, product manufacturers, or independent third-party labs can generate lab test requests, initiate testing based on Spec Connect requirements and collect the data all in one central location making it simple to search and analyze test data from material concept through finished product certification.

Lab Connect includes Texbase LTDI (Lab Test Data Importer) which gives data providers the ability to use Excel to quickly enter lot-to-lot production data.

Optimize Color at Every Stage

Color Connect

Color Connect streamlines color management by enabling precise color standardization and efficient communication between brands and suppliers. This tool reduces approval times and minimizes errors, ensuring consistent color quality across all products. By enhancing supplier collaboration, it helps maintain brand integrity and increases customer satisfaction.

Hear from Our Customer: NEMO Equipment

Hear from Our Customer: NEMO Equipment

Rick Vance at NEMO Equipment shares his insights on the tools he uses for compliance management in his day-to-day role.

Document Connect has allowed us to get away from emailing documents into the void and asking for read-receipts, now we are able to send documents to our entire supplier mailing list at the click of a button.
Rick Vance
Rick Vance
Director of Quality

Collect CoC's and Supporting Data From Suppliers

Compliance Connect allows companies to collect data, documents and supplier or lab-generated Certificates of Compliance to aid in the creation, collection and dissemination of critical finished-product test results and related certifications. The data and documentation collected by Compliance Connect flows into Texbase and is optionally displayed on customer-branded CoC portals providing a way for retail customers or trade personnel to verify the testing that was performed on the products they are purchasing or distributing.


CPSIA Guardian

CPSIA Guardian is a tool to manage product specifications, testing plans and test results to satisfy CPSIA regulatory requirements. Specifications, policies, and testing protocols can be customized and replicated to ensure consistency and management of testing processes resulting in lower lab testing costs. Requirements are securely shared with supply chain partners and testing labs using Texbase Connect while Certificates of Compliance are created with a simple point-and-click process.

Conflict Minerals Guardian

Conflict Minerals Guardian is a solution for defining data requirements and publishing requests for data to various tiers of your supply chain resulting in an automated process of complying with Dodd-Frank section 1502.


CSR Guardian

CSR Guardian allows companies to track and measure their Corporate Social Responsibility programs and adapts to the unique structure of a company’s programs and practices. CSR Guardian allows clients to use proprietary methodologies, NGO policy tools or industry-developed indexes to measure the performance of their CSR program.

RSL Guardian

RSL Guardian is an extension of Texbase Testing and Spec Connect that encompasses best practices for managing chemical testing requirements. RSL testing requirements are continually changing. RSL Guardian allows clients to customize libraries, create specifications and consistently test and/or certify components or products against RSL requirements. Flexible click-and-choose specifications or certifications are securely shared with supply chain partners using Texbase Connect.

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